Yamaguchi University

President's Message


University should always look into the future as well as confront the present, since one of its missions is to nurture talents who will forge the future society. In this regard, Yamaguchi University developed the ambitious plan for higher education enhancement and academic research revitalization and has implemented novel and unique strategies well ahead of other universities by foreseeing the trend and needs of regional/global society.

Graduate School of Innovation and Technology Management (YUMOT) is one of the educational organizations executing the strategies and has the mission of nurturing "MOT-ist (MOT: Management of Technology)," who plays a crucial role at companies and organizations pursuing innovation. In order to accomplish this mission, YUMOT has conducted education and research activities for cultivating leaders who are capable to manage the innovation process both from business and technology perspectives.

As the one and only MOT professional graduate school in Western Japan, YUMOT has played a key role in MOT education in Japan, including "MOT Educational Core Curriculum" development and the pioneering yet hands-on education exploiting the developed curriculum.

YUMOT deploys qualified academic staffs to teach at the "the Center of MOT education" and offers world-class MOT education. We welcome challenging students eager to learn the very essence of MOT that helps you deliver innovative achievements from compound view of management and technology.

Yamaguchi University