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Message from Dean


I am proud to invite you to study at the Graduate School of Innovation and Technology Management, Yamaguchi University, a leading graduate school far Management of Technology (MOT) education in Japan.

Our school (YUMOT) gave its first cry in 2005, as one of the earliest professional MOT schools in Japan. Since then, YUMOT has committed itself to offer high quality MOT education. Also, YUMOT has been playing a leading role to improve and disseminate MOT education in strong cooperation with business community and other leading MOT schools in Japan. Beyond that, we decided to move our endeavor forward in response to the rapid progress of globalization of business. International program was launched in 2013 for that purpose. The door is now opened to all students from all over the world being interested in studying Japanese innoもation both from managerial and technology perspectives.

We are seeking students who have enthusiasm for initiating innovation and exploit its outcome in firms and organizations, aspiring to achieve value creation and business problem solving strategically by taking advantage of technology, and starting their own business or improve their performance of business and duty. Graduates are expected to contribute to development in local society and/or global community and work in research development and/or business activities.

Again, I am confident that YUM OT is the supreme choice for students who want to learn Japanese MOT which underpins so called "Monozukuri," Japanese way of product development and manufacturing. I am looking forward to welcoming you to YUMOT!

福代 和宏
Fukuyo Kazuhiro Prof.,Ph.D