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Dormitory of Yamaguchi University

Student Center allows the extension of the stay, students can stay longer. When students start to live there, a deposit fee is required.

The Number of Rooms and Their Rents

BuildingsType of roomsNumber of roomsMonthly rentsDeposit
Yamaguchi International House (Yoshida Campus) No.1 Singles 36 11,200yen 20,000yen
Couples 4 17,900yen 30,000yen
Families 3 26,800yen 40,000yen
No.2 Single A 16 16,200yen 20,000yen
Single B 9 19,200yen 20,000yen
Single C 3 20,000yen 20,000yen
Ube International House (Tokiwa Campus) Singles Singles 33 11,200yen 25,000yen
House holds Couples 6 17,900yen 35,000yen
Families 8 26,800yen 45,000yen