Below are rough estimates of living expenses in the Yamaguchi and Ube areas. It is relatively inexpensive compared with living in larger cities.
Categories | Amount (Approx.) |
Rents | 24,000yen |
Food | 28,000yen |
Utilities (gas, electricity, water) | 10,000yen |
Communications (telephone, Internet) | 8,000yen |
Learning materials | 6,500yen |
Others (entertainment, etc.) | 6,000yen |
Total | 82,500yen |
Student Center allows the extension of the stay, students can stay longer. When students start to live there, a deposit fee is required.
Buildings | Type of rooms | Number of rooms | Monthly rents | Deposit | |
Yamaguchi International House (Yoshida Campus) | No.1 | Singles | 36 | 11,200yen | 20,000yen |
Couples | 4 | 17,900yen | 30,000yen | ||
Families | 3 | 26,800yen | 40,000yen | ||
No.2 | Single A | 16 | 16,200yen | 20,000yen | |
Single B | 9 | 19,200yen | 20,000yen | ||
Single C | 3 | 20,000yen | 20,000yen | ||
Ube International House (Tokiwa Campus) | Singles | Singles | 33 | 11,200yen | 25,000yen |
House holds | Couples | 6 | 17,900yen | 35,000yen | |
Families | 8 | 26,800yen | 45,000yen |
There are many apartments around Yamaguchi University. The average rents of apartments are as follows, though the rents differ according to the years after the construction of the building and facilities furnished.
space of rooms | facilities | rents |
6-tatami(mat) room | sharing bath, toilet, kitchen | 12,000~35,000yen |
6-tatami room and kitchen | with bath and toilet | 25,000~40,000yen |
7~8-tatami room and kitchen | with bath and toilet | 35,000~50,000yen |
8~12-tatami room and kitchen | with bath and toilet | 43,000~65,000yen |