Concept behind our curriculum
Focusing on technology-centered innovation
- Making clear distinction with MBA
- Overlapping contents will be taught in fundamental subjects
Redesigning course to make students master innovation process (development subjects)
- To explore and exploit innovation seeds (DG1)
- To develop strategy for achieving innovation (DG2)
- To draw up business plan and business model (DG3)
- To find ideas and methods making innovation happen (DG4)
- To lead and manage HR involved in innovation (DG5)
- To preserve the rights on innovative outcome (DG6)
Enhancing specialty thru collaborative research activity and advancing educational content (application subjects)
Background of our curriculum
Our vision
To be recognized as one of the leading Asian MOT schools, by leading knowledge creation on innovation in collaboration with other distinctive MOT schools, underpinned by advanced education and research activities
Our challenges
- Balancing generality and specialty
- MOT identification
- Globalization
MOT Core Curriculum
- To guarantee the attainment level of the graduates
- 10 MOT universities and 5 enterprises discussed
Our policy: to cultivate internationally competent people under the cooperation with foreign universities
Ube Classroom (Head)
- Course materials improving the international business competitiveness
- Lectures in English
- Enrollment in the fall
Hiroshima and Fukuoka Classrooms (Wings)
- Wings of MOT education for business people in Western Japan