Malaysia-Japan Joint International Conference 2015 (MJJIC2015)

MJJIC2015, Nov. 13 - 15, 2015, Yamaguchi University, Ube, Yamaguchi, JAPAN

Graduate School of Innovation and Technology Management, Yamaguchi University(YU-MOT)

Yamaguchi University


Malaysia-Japan Joint International Conference 2015 (MJJIC2015) will be held at Ube, Yamaguchi, JAPAN on November 13-15, 2015.

what's new

Education at MJIIT-present and future-  (pptx856KB)
Final Program is now uploaded. Please check your presentation time.
The program of MJJIC is just uploaded. Please check your presentation time.
"Early bird registration period terminates. Normal rate applies to those who want to register from here on. Visit the registration page for detail."
Early bird registration deadline extends until October 20 (Tue) due to the unexpected trouble at registration fee settlement.
Deeply sorry to those who suffer the trouble.
"Paper reception has been finished. The authors will receive the review result in early October."
The registration of MJJIC2015 is available to everybody. Attendees can register from here.
Welcome messages from chairpersons just posted. Visit Organization page

At around the same time of MJJIC2015 conference, on Nov 12, a conference organized by "The Federation of Electrical Engineering Contractors Cooperatives of Japan" will also be held in Ube city. Seven hundred participants of this conference are expected to stay in Ube city. Accordingly, we are afraid that participants of MJJIC2015 might find it difficult to reserve accommodation in Ube city. We strongly recommend that MJJIC2015 participants secure their hotel rooms as early as possible.

In the case that you are not able to get a room in Ube city, hotels around the SHIN-YAMAGUCHI Station are your alternatives.

For information about how to access the venue from SHIN-YAMAGUCHI Station, please refer to "Venue & Access page". The nearest station to the venue is KOTOSHIBA.

Timetable for West JR trains:


Annual symposia and conferences have been organized to promote further collaboration in education and research among MJIIT, JUC, industry and other ASEAN institutes.


MJJIC2015 is the latest event for enhancing academic research between researchers, engineers and students from related organizations.


  • a. Electronic System Engineering
  • b. Mechanical and Precision Engineering
  • c. Environmental and Green Technology
  • d. Management of Technology
  • e. Robotics
  • f. Design Engineering
  • g. Special Industry Session: “MOT Education in ASEAN countries”

Submission Guidelines

a. Authors:

Preferred authors include but are not limited to post-graduate students, young researchers or engineers.

b. Paper Submission:

Authors are invited to submit their paper(s) (5-6 pages) according to the submission guidelines.
For details, refer to the following conference web site.

Authors are expected to present their papers at the conference upon acceptance. The person(s) in charge of presenting the paper are required to register.

c. Submission Schedule:

  • Submission deadline of papers:
  • August 31, 2015
  • Notification of acceptance after peer review:
  • September 30, 2015

d. Awards:

Awards will be given for excellent papers/presentations. Selected papers will also be published in Scopus indexed “JURNAL TEKNOLOGI” printed by Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM).

Registration Fees

Early Bird Registration (not later than October 15th):

  • a. General: 20,000 Yen
  • b. Student: 5,000 Yen
  • a. General: 25,000 Yen
  • b. Student: 10,000 Yen


a. Organized by

  • Graduate School of Innovation and Technology Management, Yamaguchi University(YU-MOT)
  • Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Yamaguchi University

b. In collaboration with

  • JUC (Japanese University Consortium)
  • MJIIT (Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology)

c. Supported by

  • Yamaguchi University
  • UTM (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia)
  • MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology)
  • MOFA (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan)
  • JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency)


MJJIC2015 Technical Committee
