

Chapter 1: General Provisions

Article 1 (Name)
This consortium shall be called the Asian MOT Consortium (henceforth the AMC).
MOT stands for Management of Technology.
Article 2 (Scopes & Purposes)
The AMC is a non‐profit body and does not have legal personality.
The purpose of the AMC shall be to contribute to the advancement of MOT education in Asia through the cooperation
among academia, industry, governments and other organizations in member countries.
Article 3 (Activities)
In order to achieve the purpose of Article 2, the AMC shall:
  • 1) Create, develop and disseminate the MOT knowledge in education and practical applications.
  • 2) Co‐develop curriculum and education resources
  • 3) Nurture & Facilitate collaboration among members.
  • 4) Engage in any other professional activities deemed necessary by the AMC.

Chapter 2: Membership

Article 4 (Consortium members)
Consortium members shall be business, education and public organizations that are willing to agree with the purpose of the AMC specified in Article 2 and obtain the approval of the Executive Committee.
Article 5 (Member Responsibilities)
Members shall take part actively in activities specified in Article 3 in accordance with the legislation of member countries.
Article 6 (Fees and Expenses)
Admission fee or membership fee is not required. Members shall bear their own expenses when involved in the consortium activities.
Article 7 (Member Registration)
Each member shall register one person as a representative and one as a contact person. The representative can also act as the contact person.
If there are changes with the member's representative or the contact person, the representative must inform the AMC office and register the new person in charge.
Article 8 (Withdrawal)
Members who would like to withdraw from the AMC shall submit an official notice of withdrawal with the reason of withdrawal to AMC office and lose membership automatically. However, the executive committee will look into the given reason and take appropriate action.
Article 9 (Expulsion)
Members can be expelled by the deliberations of the Executive Committee in the following cases. However, in this case, the member concerned shall be given an opportunity to explain.
  • 1. Members who fail to comply with the consortium constitution.
  • 2. Members who dishonor the name of the AMC or have acted against the AMC's purposes specified in Article 2.

Chapter 3: Organization

Article 10 (Executive committee)
The executive committee of AMC consists of 5 to 10 persons from AMC members.
The nomination of a new executive member or a successor to an executive member whose term expires shall be decided at the executive committee.
Article 11 (Chairperson)
The executive committee appoints one chairperson and one vice chairperson among the executive committee members.
Chairperson is responsible for the followings:
  • 1) Convene and chair the executive committee meeting
  • 2) Facilitate activities specified in Article 2.
If the chairperson is temporally unable to perform the duties, the vice‐chairperson shall act for the chairperson.
Article 12 (AMC office)
AMC office will be located at the organization where the chairperson belongs to.
The operations of the AMC office is left to the chairperson reflecting the operation plan discussed at the executive committee.
Article 13 (Executive Member Term)
The period of executive member for the first‐term shall last until the year of 2020.
The term of executive member shall be two year afterward. Executive members are eligible to be nominated consecutively.
Article 14 (Remuneration)
Chairperson, Vice‐Chairperson and Executive committee members shall not receive payment for their work.

Chapter 4: Decision making

Article 15 (Decision making body)
The executive committee is the decision making body of AMC. The committee shall deliberate and decide on the
following matters concerning the operation of the AMC:
  • 1) Constitution amendment
  • 2) Dissolution of AMC
  • 3) Admission and expulsion of members
  • 4) Nomination and appointment of new executive member, chairperson and vice chairperson
  • 5) Any other important matters concerning AMC
Article 16 (Meeting)
Meetings of the executive committee shall be convened by the chairperson. When the chairperson and vice‐chairperson are not able to chair the meeting, one of the executive members delegated by chairperson/vice chairperson shall preside at the meeting.
Meeting does not require actual gathering of the members. Meeting shall be organized using other methods including video conference or e‐mail at the chairperson’s discretion.
Article 17 (Quorum)
The executive committee will take place with two thirds of its members. Decisions shall be reached by two thirds the members present excluding the chairperson, with the chairperson serving as tie‐breaker when needed.
Article 18 (Decision in writing)
Due to unavoidable reasons, members who are unable to attend the Executive Committee meeting can exercise their rights in writing or through their proxies for the pre‐notified matters. The people who act for the absentees shall be deemed to be the attendees specified in Article 17.

Chapter 5: Local division

Article 19 (Local division)
Local divisions can be established to facilitate the operation of the AMC. The establishment and the termination of local divisions shall be decided by the Executive Committee.

Chapter 6: Exemption of Responsibility

Article 20 (Dispute settlement)
The AMC and its executive members shall not engage in or be liable to the settlement of disputes that happen among AMC members or between AMC members and a third party.

Chapter 7: Others

Article 21 (Others)
The executive committee shall deliberate and decide on other matters arising in connection with the interpretation of this constitution.

Chapter 8: Supplementary Provisions

This AMC constitution shall be effective from the establishment day of the AMC.