MOT Education Core Curriculum Usage Guidelines

CHAPTER 1. MOT EDUCATION CORE CURRICULUM USAGE GUIDELINES Chapter 1. MOT Education Core Curriculum Usage Guidelines (Objective) (Scope Matters Handled in these Guidelines) (Development of a Diploma Policy) (Curriculum Design) (Course Design) 1.These guidelines are intended to show the policy of using the MOT Education CoreCurriculum in order for education institutions concerning MOT education (universities,faculties, graduate programs, etc. Hereinafter abbreviated as “education institutions”) to beable to design appropriate curricula and implement effective education.2.The scope of these guidelines is the development of a diploma policy, curriculum design,individual class design, syllabus preparation, class evaluation, and review of classes orcurricula.3.As a premise of curriculum design, each education institution develops its diploma policythat shows the goals of learning achievements (achievement goals) such as the knowledge,skills, etc. that students should acquire until graduation/completion based on the mission,vision, and type of human resources to be fostered.4.Each education institution designs curricula that meet the achievement goals indicated inthe diploma policy and the descriptions of the MOT Education Core Curriculum.5.In the curriculum design, it is required to clarify which course meets which achievementgoal and which description in the MOT Education Core Curriculum.6.In the curriculum design, it is also required to clarify the education method that meets theachievement goals indicated in the diploma policy and descriptions in the MOT EducationCore Curriculum.7.Based the above-mentioned 5 and 6, develop a curriculum policy.8.Based on the designed curricula, design each course.In the course design, based on the above-mentioned 5 and 6, set the education goal in each9.course (general goals and attainment goals. learning goals from the students’ perspective),

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