MOT Education Core Curriculum Usage Guidelines

CHAPTER 8. REVIEW OF COURSE AND CURRICULUM REVIEW OF THE CURRICULUM IMPORTANCE OF FD ACTIVITIES Chapter 8. Review of Course and Curriculum REVIEW OF CLASS Based on the results of course evaluation, you will review the education goals, evaluation methods, education methods, class content, schedule, etc. for each course and redesign the class. What corresponds to A or Action in the PDCA cycle in education is this Review of Class. If there is a need for improvement to the extent that a review of the individual courses is not enough, you will need to redesign the entire curriculum. Bring problems occurred in the individual classes, return to Chapter 3. Curriculum Design, and seek to improve them. For example, if the attainment goals indicated in the diploma policy and learning items in the MOT Education Core Curriculum that were originally planned cannot be met in a course within the allocated hours, increase in class hours and number of courses and revision of Curriculum Map, Core Curriculum Correspondence Table, etc. should be considered. Currently, faculty development (FD) or improvement of faculties’ abilities have been conducted in various universities. It is important to utilize FD activities to improve classes and curricula such as the improvement of course contents and education methods, sharing of information on the new education system, etc.

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