MOT Education Core Curriculum Usage Guidelines

Consideration to students’ interests, concerns, knowledge, and experience (readiness)Easy-to-understand explanations of theories and technical terms that will be newTransmission of appropriate speech information from the teacher (voice volume, speed,clarity of pronunciation, way to see the timing, etc.) and visual information (eye contact,facial expressions, gestures, posture, etc.)Use of effective ideas by the teacher (Use of blackboard/whiteboard, materials distributed,Appropriately incorporate stimuli (CUE) to avoid getting tired (Sleepiness)Appropriate communication between the teacher and students (Q&A with students, etc.)Creating appropriate class atmosphereBeing creative with class assembly (structure) such as introduction, development, summary,Being creative with appropriate progress, exemplification, and demonstrationBeing creative with exercises and assignments for the students to think (write and discuss)Efforts of and being creative with self-education and self-studyEfforts of and being creative with presentationsEfforts of and being creative with group activities (Improvement of leadership and3 Content of this chapter is based on Yamaguchi University FD Handbook Production WG, Section 2 of Yamaguchi University FD Handbook: How to Progress with the Class Workshop (2004) knowledge for studentspresentation materials such as computer, etc.)etc.commitment and activation of the discussions within the group)CHAPTER 6. IMPLEMENTATION OF CLASS Chapter 6. Implementation of Class TEACHING TECHNIQUE CLASS OPERATION/CLASS STRUCTURE LAERNING ACTIVITIES AND DEGREE OF STUDENTS’ PARTICIPATION Faculties will conduct each class in accordance with the syllabus and calculate students’ grades according to the attainment goals. In this chapter, content descriptions overlap with the Chapters 4 and 5 will be omitted and points of attention in conducting effective class will be shown3.

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