MOT Education Core Curriculum Usage Guidelines

CHAPTER 3. CURRICULUM DESIGN EDUCATION METHOD GRADE CALCULATION REGARDING THE CURRICULUM POLICY AGAIN Regarding the education method, the one that is appropriate according to the education goal (learning goal from the perspective of students) and content in the individual course should be selected. In the MOT Education Core Curriculum (the 2016 version), it is stated in regard to the education method, “There is no need to limit the format for implementation to lectures where knowledge is imparted, i.e., exercises, reading in turn, seminars, practical training, and other formats may also be applied.” Each education institution will select an appropriate education method in a wide range of options according to the individual course. In the curriculum design stage, only directing the education method for the entire curriculum to accomplish achievement goals of the diploma policy is preferable, instead of deciding the education method according to the individual course one by one. For example, if improvement of the students’ independence is upheld in the diploma policy, adoption of active learning such as project-based learning (PBL), group work, discussion, etc. may be set as the appropriate direction. In grade calculation, evaluation methods appropriate for the education goal and content of each course should be selected and grades should be calculated based on the selected evaluation methods. In the curriculum design stage, it is preferable to set the direction of grade calculation appropriate for the entire curriculum to evaluate the accomplishment of the achievement goals in the diploma policy is preferable, instead to decide the evaluation method according to the individual courses one by one. By the above-mentioned curriculum design work, the policy for the curriculum/course of study, education content, education method, and grade calculation will become clear. Based on them, develop the curriculum policy. The Graduate School of Innovation and Technology Management, Yamaguchi University has developed the Curriculum Policy shown in the column on the following page.

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