MOT Education Core Curriculum Usage Guidelines

CHAPTER 3. CURRICULUM DESIGN EXAMPLE OF THE CORE CURRICULUM CORRESPONDENCE TABLE Part of the Core Curriculum Correspondence Table used by the Graduate School of Innovation and Technology Management, Yamaguchi University is shown in Figure 3-3 as an example of the Core Curriculum Correspondence Table. In this table, you can confirm which course covers which learning item. The degree of coverage is indicated in two levels of ◎ and ○. ◎ means to learn the said learning item by spending one class (90 minutes) or more and ○ means to learn the said learning item to some extent. Checking omissions of learning items prescribed by the MOT Education Core Curriculum is one of the important roles of the Core Curriculum Correspondence Table. By using the Core Curriculum Correspondence Table, you can confirm that learning items are covered by any one of the courses. Whether each learning item will be intensively educated (◎) or not (〇) depends on each education institution’s discretion.

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