MOT Education Core Curriculum Usage Guidelines

◎(Large), 〇 (Medium), △ (Small)〇〇△◎◎〇◎Course Name Introduction to AAA Advanced Lecture on BBB CCC-ologyDDD Exercise …… Figure 3-1. An Image of the Curriculum Map Listed Knowledge and Abilities Corresponding to the Diploma Knowledge on XX 〇Policy (Achievement goals) Skill in XX XX Thinking Power …… CHAPTER 3. CURRICULUM DESIGN CURRICULUM MAP USE OF THE MOT EDUCATION CORE CURRICULUM (CREATION OF THE CORE CURRICULUM CORRESPONDENCE TABLE) The work to associate listed achievement goals with courses will be the next step. As a method to visualize this association, Yamaguchi University has adopted the Curriculum Map. The Curriculum Map shows how much individual classes will contribute to (the achievement goals of) the diploma policy by using the following three levels of contribution (conduciveness): An image of the Curriculum Map is shown in Figure 3-1. By creating a Curriculum Map, you will be able to confirm whether or not all the content described in the diploma policy can be achieved or conversely, whether or not there is any omission in the curriculum. The Graduate School of Innovation and Technology Management, Yamaguchi University has created the Core Curriculum Correspondence Table in addition to the creation of the Curriculum Map. The Core Curriculum Correspondence Table is the table that shows which course covers the learning items prescribed in the MOT Education Core Curriculum. As many of the learning items are the knowledge and skills related to MOT education and researches, the Core Curriculum Correspondence Table can be said to be the detailed version of the knowledge and skill part of the Curriculum Map. Specific examples and explanations of the Core Curriculum Correspondence Table are described later. Learning Items prescribed by the MOT Education Core Curriculum are shown in Figure 3-2. Learning Items are broadly divided into Basic Learning Items and Core Learning Major Items. Basic Learning Items consist of eight major items and 28 intermediate-level items and Core Learning Large Items consist of four major items and 21 intermediate-level items.

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