MOT Education Core Curriculum Usage Guidelines

Thinking power, judgment, expressive power, and other abilitiesAttitude to voluntarily put effort into learningCHAPTER 3. CURRICULUM DESIGN LIST OF ACHIEVEMENT GOALS Chapter 3. Curriculum Design DEVELOPMENT OF THE CURRICULUM POLICY As described in the previous chapter, the knowledge, abilities, etc. that students should acquire until graduation/completion are described in the diploma policy. To foster human resources who have the knowledge, abilities, etc. set forth in the diploma policy, each education institution must set the policy for curricula/courses of study, education contents, education methods, and evaluation of their learning achievements. This policy is the curriculum policy. If you are based on the waterfall model, you will proceed with work in a sequence, in which you will develop the curriculum policy according to the diploma policy and design a curriculum based on the curriculum policy. However, in reality, it is difficult to set the curriculum policy unless considering the specific curriculum at the same time and work will not progress with the waterfall-model sequence. This chapter describes the work from the diploma policy to curriculum design by assuming that the development of the curriculum policy and curriculum design proceeds in parallel. The first step to reflect the diploma policy to a curriculum is to grasp again the content written in the diploma policy more clearly and in more detail and to make a list of learning achievement goals (achievement goals) such as the knowledge, abilities, etc. that students should acquire until graduation/completion. Achievement goals can be organized in light of three elements of academic ability1 as indicated below. Knowledge and skillsAs to the knowledge and skills among these three elements, a detailed list is shown in the chapter of the Learning Items in the MOT Education Core Curriculum (the 2016 Version of Core Curriculum). Thinking Power, Judgment, Expressive Power, and Other Abilities and Attitude to Voluntarily Put Effort into Learning are mentioned in the chapter of the Comprehensive Area in the MOT Education Core Curriculum. 1 2007, Paragraph 2 of Article 30 of the Revised School Education Act. Three elements of academic ability are applied to elementary schools, junior high schools, and high schools but these serve as a useful reference even in higher education.

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