
each other, which has demanded that MOT human resources should think and act from a global perspective. Also, information technologies including AI (Artificial Intelligence), Big Data, and IoT (Internet-of-Things) have been well accepted by society and brought great changes to our economic activities and lifestyle. MOT human resources must have basic knowledge in mathematical information science. Such rapid changes in society and economy have made it necessary to revise Core Curriculum 2010. In response to this demand, Japanese professional schools have agreed to implement research studies concerning the development of core curriculum in graduate schools for management professionals (MOT field) and revise the MOT education core curriculum as a part of the 2016 Leading Management Human Resource Enhancement and Development Programs, funded by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in Japan. The revision was led by the Revision Committee of the MOT education core curriculum consisting of representatives from J-MOT associate member schools, reflecting the opinions from the industry and other authorities concerned. Core Curriculum 2016, the revised version of the core curriculum, is finally concluded as it is in this booklet. Core Curriculum 2016 adheres to the framework developed in Core Curriculum 2010. It comprises learning items (equivalent to knowledge items in Core Curriculum 2010), of which all MOT students should learn, and comprehensive areas (called integrated areas in Core Curriculum 2010), which entails creative problem solving based on the use of the knowledge and skills the students acquired. Leaning items list that MOT students must obtain as their minimum requirements and the level of achievement that must be attained by them. Comprehensive areas describe the problem solving initiatives and the qualitative requirements to which the results of these initiatives are subject. Considering the multifaceted nature of social expectation to the MOT field and the varied background of students who are going to learn MOT, the program contents and their implementation methods must be diversified. As mentioned above, the MOT education core curriculum is created to systematize and clarify in a written format the minimum achievement requirements that the graduates of the MOT professional graduate school must meet and the level of achievements to be attained. It should not interfere with the uniqueness and diversity of each school. MOT professional graduate schools are responsible for establishing their educational system respecting the development philosophy of the core curriculum and improving the educational quality, while ensuring the consistency with their own diploma policies. Learning items consist of basic learning items and core learning major items. Each of these items consists of a set of included items. Based on the content, basic learning items are described as MOT fundamentals and include the basic knowledge required to understand MOT. It includes basic knowledge required to solve problems from integrative viewpoints on technology and management - ranging from technology knowledge within the context of MOT to those knowledge in accounting, corporate finance, marketing, and others requisite for the management of any companies or organizations. As the name suggests, the core learning major items consist of elements comprising the core and distinctive contents Introduction ――Background and concept of the development and revision of Core Curriculum for MOT-Education―― 5 Learning items

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