
A Basic learning items *”Cost of capital,” “financial strategies,” “financing methods,” “techniques of corporate valuation,” and “investment appraisal” are the examples. (26) Financing and corporate valuation There are diversified approaches to analyze various issues in the MOT field. Students obtain the skills to analyze MOT related issues using approaches given under this included category and other approaches and present solutions. (27) Mathematical and statistical approaches (28) Social scientific approaches Explain the structure of financing and its role for management purposes. Explain the concept of corporate value and the representative methods by which enterprise value is estimated. Included items: Understand theoretical frameworks, evolution, concepts and methods of mathematical and statistical approaches, apply them to concrete phenomena, and explain the mechanisms in a quantitative manner. *This item includes, as an example, decision-making problems applying an optimization theory under mathematical approaches and the framework of statistical hypothesis testing and data collection and analysis methods under statistical approaches. Understand theoretical frameworks, evolutions, concepts, and the methods of economic, social, psychological, and other social scientific approaches and then explain the differences among these approaches. Students are capable of choosing an appropriate one from them, applying it to concrete phenomena, and explaining the mechanism. *This item covers, as an example, the concept that help understand the differences among approaches, including whether economic rationality should be the requirement. Also, social scientific approaches are not limited to those above but cover comparative analysis, a general analysis method widely applied in political science, and a method called ethnography derived from anthropology. 14 Analytical Methods

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