
A Basic learning items *”Marketing research,” “consumer behavior analysis,” “understanding company seeds,” “competitive analysis,” “technology trend survey,” and “selection of target markets” are the examples. *”Positioning,” “differentiation strategies,” “market segmentation,” “marketing mix,” “industrial marketing and consumer marketing,” and “market specificity by industry” are the examples. *”Standard cost accounting,” “direct cost accounting,” “cost control,” and “break-even point analysis” are the examples. Included items: (21) Discovering and analyzing market opportunities (22) Approaches to market (23) Interactions with customers Accounting and finance Accounting to understand assets, liabilities, and profits and loss, and finance that represents financing build the foundation of corporate management. Students learn the basic concepts and systems of accounting and finance, including financial statements as well as the skills to apply financial analysis and valuation to corporate management. Included items: (24) Financial statements (25) Cost accounting Focus on customer needs, company seeds, and changes in the environment surrounding a business and explain methods of discovering market opportunities. Outline strategies that realize competitive advantages of products and services of one’s own company from multidimensional perspectives including quality, price, and distribution channel. Explain the characteristics of customer satisfaction and measures for enhancing the satisfaction. Explain the importance of brands and branding according to the circumstances. Understand the double-entry bookkeeping system and practice journal entries. Understand the significance and creation procedure of income statements, balance sheets, and cash-flow statements and explain their relationships to one another. Explain the difference between taxable income and that accounting profit. Explain the basic structure and role of cost accounting. 13

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