
General goal: A Basic learning items A Basic learning items *Although the title of this included item is “Definition of MOT” in this booklet, other terms can be used; such as “MOT principles”, and “MOT missions.” Moreover, differences between MOT and MBA or PSM (Professional Science Master), interactions among information handled under the major core learning and basic learning items, and the differences between MOT and areas Major item Understand and explain the key points concerning the meaning and significance of MOT, the background and history of MOT. Understand the differences between other established study fields and MOT. Understand and explain the various new concepts emerging along with the development of science and technologies, society and the economy. Included category: (1) Definition of MOT [Note] Sections denoted by an asterisk (*) with text in italic font immediately following the explanations of the included categories are important notes that MOT programs should bear in mind and concepts that they should cover in the study of the included item. The knowledge that should be acquired as MOT fundamentals is categorized under the following areas and each has the included items: “conceptual understanding of MOT,” “science, technology and society,” “corporate strategies,” “organization/ human resources and corporate ethics,” “economic system,” “marketing,” “accounting and finance,” and “analytical method.” Systematically understand and explain the theories and frameworks required for technology, business management and operation from MOT perspective. Explain the definition and objectives as well as the necessity of MOT, and what the concepts of technology and management represent. Provide clear explanations on the scope where MOT is applied in academic field, and the scope where MOT is utilized in businesses and governmental organization practices by comparing MOT with existing study fields such as the study of business administration. 8 1. MOT fundamentals Conceptual understanding of MOT

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